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The Impact Blueprint

The world’s first guide for young people on how to make money doing what you love, all while making the world a better place.

A blueprint for your future

Build a career with purpose

Your future is not doomed. The Impact Blueprint, a 10-part video guide, gives you all the secrets on how to make money doing something that you love, while making the world a better place.

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The Videos

  • How To Find Purpose As A Young Person

    Welcome to The Impact Blueprint, where we uncover the secrets of finding purpose as a young person. Join Martin as he meets incredible young people who have found out how to make money, doing something that they love, all while making the world a better place across Europe.

  • Solving Problems To Find Happiness

    What if solving problems could help us find purpose in life? Martin heads to Slovenia to meet Jure Jakomin, founder of Pia Terapia, to learn more about why solving problems is crucial to leading a happy life.

  • Coming Up With Life-Changing Ideas

    Great ideas can change your life. But with thousands of people coming up with great ideas every day, how do you make yours stand out? Martin meets with serial entrepreneur Anusa Kovacic to learn how to come up with great ideas, and learns that sometimes, the purpose of a great idea isn’t financial success – it’s to live a happy life.

  • 3 Hours To Create A Successful Business

    3 hours is enough to create a life-changing business. Start-up expert Luca Stirbat challenges Martin to build the basics of a successful business on the streets of Vienna, all in three hours.

  • How To Make Money And Do Good In Society

    Most people think making lots of money means sacrificing your values. Martin meets with entrepreneur Lukas Burnar, founder of inclusive-journalism platform Andererseits to find out if this is myth, or truth.

  • Making Friends & Finding Purpose

    Finding a community and making friends is a crucial step on your journey to making money doing something that you love all while making the world a better place. Martin meets Julian Gerhart and Martina Bolibruchová, founders of Zmudri, to learn why working with others is far more valuable than working alone.

  • How Your Product Could Change The World

    Not only is building a great product a lot of fun, it can help you find purpose in your career. Martin heads to Czechia to meet Laureen Höllge and learn how to turn an idea into a product that could change the world.

  • Why You’ve Been Lied To About Long-Term Success

    The way society portrays long-term success as making lots of money and owning expensive things is wrong and outdated. Martin meets with successful entrepreneur Tereza Jurečková to find out what long-term success really looks like. 

  • Giving Up Could Be The Best Decision Of Your Life

    We’re often taught to never give up, but what if giving up was the best decision you ever made? Martin speaks with entrepreneur Sarah Haas about the value of letting go of something you pour your heart and soul into.

  • Young People Can Change The World

    Young people are the most important generation in the world right now. Martin speaks with one of Europe’s highest ranking political figures to prove it, and meets with a young entrepreneur working during the Ukraine war.

You are in the lead

Complete the Challenge

The videos are only the beginning. Sign up for the 7 Day Finding Purpose Challenge to receive 7 daily packs of exercises and opportunities to start turning your dreams into reality.

Start the 7-day challenge

You’ll receive 7 daily emails packed with exercises and resources to start your Journey to Impact. You’ll also unlock exclusive opportunities from some of the world’s leading youth empowerment programs. Share your progress and submit your project for feedback and a chance to win a 1:1 session with our Managing Director!

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Co-funded by the European Union. Views and opinions expressed are however those of the author(s) only and do not necessarily reflect those of the European Union or European Commission. Neither the European Union nor the granting authority can be held responsible for them.