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Financial Details

Our condensed financial information.

Company name: SIA Social Impact Award gGmbH

VAT no.: not applicable. SIA Social Impact Award gemeinnützige GmbH is a non-profit organization and no business entity under the Austrian Value-Added-Tax-Law.

Lindengasse 56/18-19
1070 Vienna

Email: finance@socialimpactaward.net

Bank details:
IBAN: AT54 2011 1838 4530 1900
Bank: Erste Bank der österreichischen Sparkassen AG
Address:  Am Belvedere 1, 1100 Wien
Account number: BLZ 20111 838-453-019/00

All invoices issued to Social Impact Award need to be VAT invoices and specify:

  • the invoice number;
  • the invoice date;
  • the delivery date or the period of the service (beginning and end date);
  • a description of the provided service;
  • the price, including VAT amount;
  • company details of the supplier;
  • bank information of the supplier.