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Get in Touch

Do you have a question, a concern, or simply want to give us feedback on how we’re doing? Get in touch with us.

Looking to run the SIA program in your country?

Get in touch with our Managing Director Jonas Dinger to ask any questions you might have about licensing our program.

Email Jonas Dinger for details

Hosting SIA

We work with like-minded organizations who run the SIA program locally and become a part of our international network of hosts.


Looking for a partner?

Every success story starts with a conversation. Get in touch with our Managing Director Jonas to learn more about our work and opportunities for collaboration.

Email Jonas Dinger for details

Strategic partnerships with SIA

We build financial partnerships with actors from the public, private, and plural sector.


Ecosystem partnerships with SIA

We work with an extensive network of ecosystem actors from within and across sectors to achieve our common mission.


Do you have a branding or media related question?

Get in touch with our Communications Coordinator Martin for more information.

Email Martin Nicolai for details

Press coverage

Our work has been covered by local and international media outlets.


Looking for info about our community?

If you’re an alumnus/a and haven’t received an invitation to the community, or if you have any questions about the community, reach out to Stefanie.

Email Stefanie Beßler for details

Our alumni community

Our alumni make up the largest community of social entrepreneurs in Europe and get access to a wide range of exclusive opportunities.


Get in touch