Ambition 2030 – Looking Ahead
The near future efforts allowing us to reach our long-term ambitions.
SIA has always been an ambitious organization. This has helped us reach over 25 countries in the last 15 years, and consistently pioneer new ways to build a better future, putting young people in the driver’s seat. But ambition always has to be met with careful planning.
By 2030, we aim to exponentially increase the number of impact ventures we support, the amount of young people whom we equip with crucial skills for active citizenship, and massively expand geographically.
We are on the right track. Our KPIs have greatly increased over the last 5 years, and in 2024 alone, we expanded to 8 countries, including two new continents, and significantly increased our human and financial resources. To keep this trend going, we will be exploring new resourcing mechanisms, and working closely with our SIA hosts to reach new regions of the world.
At the same time, we will finish putting the final touches on all the important details that will define whether we reach our objectives or miss the mark. This includes improving our communications efforts, our IT services, our alumni relations, our community work, and of course, our program delivery.
After a detailed process, SIA now has a clear path forward and the willingness to make our vision, reality. We cannot see into the future, but we can say with certainty we will do everything we can to make sure young people around the world are equipped with the necessary tools to drive the transformation towards a more socially just and environmentally sustainable society, with equal opportunities for all.
This action is co-funded by the European Union. Views and opinions expressed are however those of the author(s) only and do not necessarily reflect those of the European Union or European Education and Culture Executive Agency (EACEA). Neither the European Union nor the granting authority can be held responsible for them.